Internal status

2017 year area paper production performance

Newspaper Printing paper Sanitary paper Corrugated cardboard White cardboard & Etc Total
Year 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Asia 8,709 7,779 48,199 48,258 12,734 13,526 77,068 80,512 26,057 26,649 189,447 193,772
Europe 8,385 8,103 29,652 29,189 9,366 9,584 35,256 37,001 15,145 15,702 107,356 109,371
North America 4,793 4,292 16,751 15,809 8,605 8,765 34,842 36,124 12,973 13,103 82,171 82,305
South America 443 372 3,807 3,784 3,939 4,091 9,833 10,001 2,343 2,356 21,904 22,191
Middle East 48 48 243 274 675 687 1,865 1,859 362 393 3,402 3,471
Africa 253 227 586 569 683 774 2,537 2,433 468 466 4,748 4,692
Oceania 491 519 461 435 258 255 2,326 2,378 194 194 3,815 3,866
Total 23,122 21,340 99,700 98,318 36,260 37,682 163,726 170,308 57,542 58,862 412,843 419,667

Push the table to the side.

2017 year area pulp production performance

Chemical Semichemical Mechanical Nonwood Total pulp
Year 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
North America 51,661 52,059 3,017 2,985 9,707 9,259 0 0 64,385 64,303
Europe 32,733 33,628 1,440 1,523 11,174 11,103 333 366 45,680 46,620
Asia 25,191 26,535 18 116 5,202 5,288 8,057 8,191 38,468 40,130
South America 26,323 27,164 158 157 922 936 495 489 27,898 28,746
Africa 938 936 197 194 130 130 195 154 1,460 1,414
Oceania 1,644 1,655 118 124 1,061 1,064 0 0 2,823 2,843
Middle East 105 105 70 73 105 105 70 70 350 353
Total 138,595 142,082 5,018 5,172 28,301 27,885 9,150 9,270 181,064 184,409

Push the table to the side.

2017 year area waste paper supply and demand statistics

Recovery Import Export
year 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017
Asia 101,802 105,729 38,358 37,384 6,737 6,416
Europe 66,866 67,032 16,320 17,176 25,427 25,262
North America 51,966 50,549 1,570 1,697 22,331 20,795
South America 12,981 13,491 2,040 1,925 968 1,043
Oceania 3,482 3,527 3 7 1,666 1,718
Africa 3,311 3,422 127 100 276 349
Middle East 3,949 4,048 47 100 1,270 1,394
Total 244,357 247,797 58,466 58,389 58,675 56,976

Push the table to the side.